Latest Episodes
RE 116: Stages of Sadhana
This talk is about the way the yoga unfolds in many people.
RE 115: Rising of Tendencies
In this brief English reflection, we speak about the ways of dealing with undesirable movements and tendencies in nature.
RE 114: Seasons of Life
In this brief English reflection, we see the truth of seasons of life and how to go through them gracefully.
RE 113: The Ashram as a Scaffolding
This brief English reflection is based on a talk of Nolini da where he speaks of the inner and outer reality of the Ashram.
RE 112: Will and Faith
In this brief English reflection we take an in-depth look at what are Will and Faith and the differences between them.
RE 111: Some Reflections on Education
In this brief English reflection we share the deep insight from ancient mystic thought.